Success Stories
Electric utilities such as Georgia Power and PacifiCorp, and state and local government water authorities have successfully deployed Gatekeeper NaviGate to deliver asset information to the people who need it where they need it, when they need it: to desktop web clients for dispatchers, customer service representatives, planners and business analysts, and to mobile computers for field crews and inspectors. NaviGate is designed to be installed and configured rapidly to maximize return on investment.
“The FAST System (Field Automation for Sanitation Trucks) is an exciting new application for managing sewer maintenance work orders and the associated facilities data and deploying that data to the field.”
– City of Los Angeles
”When engineers and operators at Georgia Power Corporation (GPC) need maps or reports about their electrical distribution network, they turn to the Distribution Viewer”
– Georgia Power
”As is the case with most energy companies today, FirstEnergy Corp of Akron, Ohio, looks at operational efficiency as the key to financial performance improvements and shareholder profit.”
– FirstEnergy