GIS View
The NaviGate system is called GISView but offers features far beyond simple GIS viewing. Users can obtain self-service hardcopy maps from the system via the NaviGate Printing Module. Hundreds of printed maps are produced each week. Engineers use the system to do electric traces to the tune of nearly one thousand trace operations each day. And the NaviGate Advanced Viewing Module provides a way for engineers to customize their map view based on the attributes of features on the map, such as electric circuit and phase, transformer capacity, or number of customers affected by an outage. This feature is used hundreds of times per week to generate special-purpose maps for all kinds of analysis and presentation purposes.
WEC Energy Group
NaviGate was initially deployed at Peoples Energy, providing visualization of the gas network and allowing field user to service Call-Before-You-Dig requests in the Chicago area. As Peoples Energy was acquired by other organizations, Gatekeeper successfully deployed NaviGate to the larger organization, first Integrys Energy Group, and then WEC Energy Group, and now provides a unified system for viewing electric and gas data along with numerous field applications to a utility that serves over 4.4 million customers across four states.
Operations Visualization System
The Operations Visualization System (OVS) was first deployed in 1999 for PacifiCorp, a seven-state electric utility with more than 1.5 million customers and more than 2.5 million service connections. It is used primarily to view the status and causes of power outages within the company's service area and to display real time location of fleet vehicles, utilizing an interface with a third-party AVL vendor. Using interactive maps and reports, operations staff can quickly determine where response teams are needed most critically.
Georgia Power
Distribution Viewer
Georgia Power Company (a Southern Company subsidiary) uses NaviGate to display maps about facilities, customers, outages, and network status. Data from the GIS is automatically loaded into a high-performance Oracle database for data management and display. The system also links to data about customers directly from the corporate Customer Information System and the two Outage Management Systems from Oracle Corporation. In addition to distribution facilities data, data about transmission facilities (from the GPC Transmission Department) is displayed, together with substation one-line diagrams and aerial photos of every transmission structure in the GPC system. Users can search for objects using dozens of different search criteria, including facility numbers (e.g., switch number or transformer number), customer name or address, substation names, districts, intersections, and many more.
Clark Public Utilities
Operations Visualization System
Like many fast-growing public utilities, ClarkPUD needs to provide operational efficiencies to match larger investor-owned utilities, yet does not have a large IT department for building and maintaining critical business systems such as Outage Management. ClarkPUD uses the NaviGate Outage Management System Module (OMS) to visualize and manage electrical outages. Located in the Pacific Northwest, where severe storms can arise rapidly, the utility has used NaviGate OMS with great success to reduce outage restoration time.
City of Los Angeles
The FAST System (Field Automation for Sanitation Trucks) is an exciting application for managing sewer maintenance work orders and the associated facilities data, and deploying that data to the field. FAST replaces cumbersome and time-consuming manual processes with a modern wireless computer application, dramatically improving sewer maintenance productivity. The system eliminates paperwork and provides a graphical map-based interface that helps maintenance supervisors keep their crews operating at peak efficiency.